Monday, October 6, 2014

My Mom and Yesung

i got small surprise today. when i just came back from work, i got this photo card on the top of my laptop....^^


I was wondering who was the one that put it there. I don't even remember if i have this photo card. Then i think, it must be my mom because she is the only one who stay at home. The funny part is..... yesterday, i was cleaning up our house with her. When it comes to my K pop stuff, she almost throw all of my jyj calendar and other K pop things to the trash can hahah.... But when it comes to Yesung, she just keep it safety just like today. ^^  I guess she knows that I cherish everything about him a lot...^^ Thank You, Mom....(^3^)

*oh mom.... yeye is on his military sevice. so that's why you can't see him lately...^^ how many time i have to told you that...?*  

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Why SuperJunior Yesung ?

whoaaa ........ my first blog......!!!!!!!!   ㅋㅋㅋㅋ....^^

Since this is my first post, i want to share something..... What is it about.....??? Yup...!!! you're right.... !! The One and Only Super Junior Yesung........!!!!! 

Geeezzzz..... just looking at his face my heart goes crazy...=^-^= 

If you ask me why i love him? well....  I don't know.....hahah.... it just happen .... The first time i know Super Junior (6 or 7 years ago), I didn't know "who is who".... the more i see their faces, the more i got confuse....ㅋㅋㅋㅋ then, i tried to listen to their song and i love it. But, i got this little problem. each time i listen to their song, i always curious about "this member's voice" . Back then i didn't know "which part is who..." trust me... i was so blind about them....^o^  Anyway, the more i listen to their song, the more i fall in love with "that person's voice". 

One day, me and my friends are talking about some K POP idol such as SS501, DBSK, and Super Junior. one of them ask me who is my bias. when it comes to SS501, I easily said my bias is Heo Young Saeng 

When it comes to DBSK, I definitely said Kim Jaejoong

And when she asked me about Super Junior, I got confuse. who is my bias....? 0.0"! then suddenly, I just randomly pointed my finger to the picture and i said "him...!!!! he is my bias....^^" (is he my bias??)

hahah... i'm not sure about my feeling back then. After that, i started to search everything about him. then, i know his name is Kim Jong Woon a.k.a Yesung, he is the lead vocal of SJ, the quiet one, have less fans in super junior, always do random things...hahah....   then, i decided that i'm going to have him as my bias. And the best part is...... I found out that he is the owner of the "voice" that I've been searching for....^^ A powerful yet gentle voice that always moves me each time i listen to it. It just like a faith that bring me to him. Since then, he's always been the part of my life.

As time passing by, a lot of new idols, fresh, young and  good looking  come and go. But, i always have my eyes on him. Back then, i always thought that he is a perfect man. But now, i know there are a lot of things that he can't do. He is not a good dancer, he forget his lyrics many times ^^  He still not good in talking as an MC. He is not that perfect. Recently, I asked him on his twitter acc. +Yesung shfly3424  "should i stop this?  since you already have all the love in the world. should i stop this feeling towards you?" In a few weeks, i got my answer. the answer is NO, I CAN NOT no matter how hard i try, It always comeback to him. To Kim Jong Woon. Maybe he is not a perfect person but that what makes him perfect in my eyes.

Now, let's back to the main question. why i love him??  Unfortunately, I don't have the answer for that question. I don't have and i don't need reasons to fall in love with him. I just Love him, That's all...^^ 

Dear Yesungie a.k.a Kim Jong Woon.......
thank you for breaking in into may heart....
for staying in my heart without permission...
thank you for being a part of my life...
being my mood boosters...
my voice of angel.....
7 years and still counting.....